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porn Deals worth over 200-bln yuan inked at Smart China Expo - 做爱知识

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porn Deals worth over 200-bln yuan inked at Smart China Expo

发布日期:2024-07-20 04:59    点击次数:178


porn Deals worth over 200-bln yuan inked at Smart China Expo


This photo, taken on Sept. 4, 2023, shows the venue of the Smart China Expo 2023 in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality.  (Xinhua/Tang Yi)

CHONGQING, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) -- Eighty-four investment projects with contracts worth over 213.8 billion yuan (around 29.4 billion U.S. dollars) have been signed at the China Smart Expo that kicked off Monday in Chongqing municipality, said the organizer.

The projects cover smart connected electric vehicles, biopharmaceuticals, software and information services, new energy, and new energy storage technologies.


Scheduled until Wednesday, this year's expo focuses on smart, connected new energy vehicles. It has attracted over 500 exhibitors from home and abroad to display their cutting-edge technologies, products, and applications in smart industries and the digital economy.

The deals will boost Chongqing's digital transformation in traditional sectors, said a municipal investment and promotion bureau staff member.

The expoporn, held in Chongqing since 2018, is a platform to promote global exchanges of smart technologies and international cooperation in this industry.  ■

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